NEDELJA, 2. 6. 2024, 10.00-11.30
Dr. Giandomenico Bagatin
Gestalt igralna terapija: zdravljenje otrok s pomočjo igre, stika, odnosa in občutka sebe
Gestalt play therapy: healing kids through play, contact, relationship and sense of self
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku. / The lecture will be held in English.
Dr. Bagatin bo na tem predavanju predstavil Oaklanderjev pristop h gestalt terapiji z igro. Dr. Violet Oaklander je bila prva, ki je geštalt načela uporabila v psihoterapiji z otroki in mladostniki. Dr. Oaklanderjeva je prejela več nagrad in svoj model razširila po vsem svetu, njene knjige so prevedene v več kot 20 jezikov, v 27 letih pa je izvedla usposabljanja s terapevti z vseh celin.
Predavanje bo nagovorilo:
- Dve glavni težavi, zaradi katerih otroci prihajajo v terapijo. Kljub desetinam ali stotinam raznovrstnih simptomov ti običajno kažejo na dve težavi in ob zdravljenju izginejo.
- Terapevtski proces: nelinearni zemljevid stebrov za psihoterapijo, ki deluje. To vključuje idejo odnosa jaz-ti, krepitev samega sebe, proces samonegovanja, predelavo čustev, zlasti jeze, idr.
- Predloge medijev in projektivnih aktivnosti: glino, risanje, glasbo, lutke, karte, peskovnik.
- Pet korakov Oaklanderjevega projektivnega cikla, kako pomagati otrokom, da se zavedajo in zdravijo sami sebe.
In this lecture, dr. Bagatin will present the Oaklander approach to gestalt play therapy. Dr. Violet Oaklander was the first to apply Gestalt principles in psychotherapy with children and adolescents. Dr. Oaklander won awards and spread her model all around the world, with books translated in more than 20 languages and 27 years of trainings with therapist from every continent.
The lecture will address:
- The two main problems that brings children into therapy. We may have dozens, maybe thousands presenting problems and symptoms. But usually every kid presents two issues that, when treated, make the symptoms disappear.
- The therapeutic process: a non linear map of the pillars for a psychotherapy that works. That includes the idea of I-Thou relationship, strengthening of the self, self-nurturing process, processing emotions and particularly anger, and more.
- Suggestions for media and projective activities: clay, drawing, music, puppets, cards, sand tray.
- The five steps of Oaklander projective cycle: how to help kids be aware and heal themselves.
The lecture will also include an experience with drawing and imagination, because »learning by doing« is one of the best option to learn something.
Giandomenico Bagatin je psiholog, psihoterapevt, mednarodni trener in avtor iz Trsta v Italiji. Od leta 2012 sodeluje s fundacijo Violet Solomon Oaklander Foundation, kjer poučuje Oaklanderjev model in gestalt terapijo z igro. Giandomenico je delal kot trener, supervizor in koordinator za inštitute, psihoterapevtske šole in združenja v Italiji, Siriji, Združenih državah Amerike, Španiji, Severni Makedoniji, Bolgariji, Švici, na Portugalskem, v Srbiji, Sloveniji, Gruziji, Bosni in Hercegovini ter Iranu. Je avtor več uvodnikov, poglavij in knjig, še posebej pa ga zanima delo s travmami in žalovanjem.
Giandomenico Bagatin is a psychologist, psychotherapist, international trainer and author from Trieste, Italy. He collaborates with Violet Solomon Oaklander Foundation since 2012, teaching Oaklander model and gestalt play therapy. Giandomenico has worked as a trainer, supervisor and coordinator for institutes, psychotherapy schools and associations in Italy, Siria, United States, Spain, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran. Author of several introductions, chapters and books, he’s especially interested in trauma and grief work.
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