SOBOTA, 1. 6. 2024, 16.00-17.30

Ferdinand Bijzet

Nefunkcionalni vzorci v družini in terapevtskem odnosu

Nonfunctional patterns in families and the therapeutic relationship


Ključne besede: družinska terapija, odkrivanje vzorcev, model SASB, družinska dinamika, intervencije, ovire, terapevtski odnos
Keywords: family therapy, pattern discovery, SASB model, family dynamics, interventions, barriers, therapeutic relationship

Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku brez prevoda./The workshop will be held in English without translation.

»Terapija je delo od brezizhodnega položaja do brezizhodnega položaja,« je nekoč dejal moj kolega in trener. Ne gre za to, če, ampak kdaj boste naleteli na naslednjo slepo ulico. Pred leti sem med usposabljanjem na Kemplerjevem inštitutu prišel v stik z Benjaminovim modelom SASB (strukturna analiza družbenega vedenja). Še danes plakat tega modela visi v moji pisarni in ga uporabljam med svojimi usposabljanji in izobraževanjem študentov. Model na izredno preprost način prikazuje, kateri delujoči in nedelujoči vzorci se lahko pojavijo v družinah. Poleg tega model omogoča vpogled v delujoče in nedelujoče vzorce, v katere lahko družina, starši ali otrok povabijo terapevta. Vendar ima tudi terapevt svoje ozadje in z njim povezane vzorce ter tako v dinamiko vnaša sebe. Vzorci so nalezljivi. Med seboj se lahko krepijo in se bodo krepili.

Na tej delavnici bomo model SASB uporabili pri sebi in svojih klientih. Model je izredno uporabno orodje za odkrivanje vzorcev, izbiro intervencij in odkrivanje zastojev v terapevtskem odnosu ter pri iskanju poti iz zastoja.

»Therapy is working from impasse to impasse,« a colleague and trainer of mine once said. It isn’t about if, but about when you will run into the next impasse. Years ago, during my training at the Kempler Institute, I came into contact with Benjamin’s SASB model (Structural Analysis of Social Behaviour). Up to this day, a poster of this model hangs in my office and I use it during my trainings and educating students. The model maps out in an extremely simple way which working and non-working patterns can arise in families. In addition, the model provides insight into the working and non-working patterns into which the therapist can be invited by the family, parents or child. But the therapist also has his own background and associated patterns and thus brings himself into the dynamics. Patterns are contagious. They can and will reinforce each other.

In this workshop, we will apply this SASB model to ourselves and our clients. The model is an extremely useful tool for detecting patterns, choosing interventions and detecting impasses in the therapeutic relationship, and in finding a way out of the impasse.

Ferdinand Bijzet je trener, gestalt izkustveni terapevt in družinski terapevt na Nizozemskem. Je lastnik in trener Kemplerjevega inštituta na Nizozemskem ter trener na Inštitutu za družinsko terapijo v Sloveniji (

Ferdinand je začel kot socialni delavec in se izobraževal kot geštalt terapevt na Kemplerjevem inštitutu na Nizozemskem ter kot družinski terapevt na Inštitutu za sistemski pristop, supervizijo, usposabljanje in raziskave na Nizozemskem. Ferdinand je veliko delal s pari in družinami v organizacijah za duševno zdravje in v svoji praksi. Trenutno je v postopku pridobivanja naziva supervizor za družinske terapevte. Razvil je metodo za pare v krizi zaupanja (

Ferdinand Bijzet is a trainer, gestalt experiential therapist and family therapist in the Netherlands. He is an owner and a trainer of the Kempler Institute in The Netherlands and also a trainer at the Institute for Family Therapy in Slovenia (

Ferdinand started as a social worker, was educated as a gestalt experiential therapist at the Kempler Institute in the Netherlands and as a family therapist at Institute for System Approach, Supervision, Training, Research-Holland). Ferdinand worked a lot with couples and families in mental health organisations and his own practice. He is in the process of becoming a supervisor for family therapists. He developed a method for couples in a crisis of trust (


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